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- aluisiomaia
- Membro desde: 03 Set 2008, 16:37
- Perfil· 20 Pontos·76 Mensagens
aluisiomaia119 Set 2008, 10:51
Take a look at this poem by Henry Normal, I loved it so much...
The house is not the same since you left
The oven is angry - It blames me
The TV tries desperately to stay busy but occasionally I catch it staring out of the window
The dirty dishes are felling sorry for thenselves again they just sit there saying
"What's the point, what's the point?"
The curtains count the days
Nothing in the house will talk to me
I think your armchair's dead
The coffeemaker tried to comfort me at first but you know what its attencion span is like
I haven't told the plants yet they think you're still on vacation
The bathroom misses you
I hardly see it these days
It still can't believe you didn't take with you
The badroom won't even look at me
Since you left it keeps its eyes closed
All it wants to do is sleep, remembering better times trying to lose itself in dreams
It seems like it's taken the easy way out but at night I hear the pillows
Weeping into the sheets.
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- aluisiomaia
- Membro desde: 03 Set 2008, 16:37
- Perfil· 20 Pontos·76 Mensagens
aluisiomaia119 Set 2008, 11:20
This is the real poem I found in the net:
The House Is Not The Same Since You Left The TV tries desperately to stay busy The washing-up’s feeling sorry for itself again The curtains count the days Nothing in the house will talk to me I think your armchair’s dead The kettle tried to comfort me at first I’ve not told the plants yet The bathroom misses you I hardly see it these days It still can’t believe you didn’t take it with you The bedroom won’t even look at me Henry Normal
The house is not the same since you left
the cooker is angry – it blames me
but occasionally I catch it staring out of the window
it just sits there saying ‘What’s the point, what’s the point?’
but you know what its attention span is like
they think you’re still on holiday
since you left it keeps its eyes closed
all it wants to do is sleep, remembering better times
trying to lose itself in dreams
it seems like it’s taken the easy way out
but at night I hear the pillows
weeping into the sheets.
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- Donay Mendonça
- Professor de inglês com 20 anos de experiência.
- Localização: Morrinhos - Goiás
- Membro desde: 15 Abr 2008, 00:47
- Perfil· 69.9k Pontos·28.8k Mensagens
Donay Mendonça241311.7kExpert Member · 19 Set 2008, 12:20
It´s a really nice poem!
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